Monday, September 29, 2008

Exit 69 Tournament This Weekend

Ladies and Gentlemen: The St. Olaf hosted tournament Exit 68 will be held in Northfield this weekend. It is a 60 Minute drive from Lindbergh and games start at 8.


We will be meeting at Lindbergh at 6:45, leave at 7am, arrive at 8am and be ready to play at 9am (CAPTAINS MEETING @ 8:30). Eat well (protein, not caffeine) and plan ahead with the proper clothes - NO COTTON - and we'll be ready to rock at the first game.

Cost: About $15 per person + gas money for your driver ($5 each). Field food is provided (bagels, water, bananas) so bring extra for yourselves, or money to go out and eat. ALL WATER BOTTLES SHOULD BE REUSABLE. NO DISPOSABLE WATER BOTTLES!

Girls: You are all invited to play

Boys: This tournament is part of VARSITY TRYOUTS. All players in grades 9-12 are welcome to attend and be positive influences on the rest of the team both on and off the field.

NOTE: This is a college tournament, and we will be playing college teams. We will need to embody the Noble Warrior mindset in order to show all the college teams that we DO belong at this tournament. Please prepare accordingly.

If you are planning on going, please post in the comments section. If you (or your parents) can drive, please post that as well.



Coach Jake


Robbie Shapiro said...

lets go rock some colleges

can drive

Anonymous said...

eli leonard wants to attend

Anonymous said...

jake hoffman would like to go

Anonymous said...

Asa Gotlieb will be there

Mara Saltzman said...

mara is in
my mom can drive
what time is our last game and is the tourney on sunday too?

Anonymous said...

Klane will be there

Anonymous said...

chris farrell will be there

kathy said...

Kathy can come and drive.

Segal said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

sam segal can attend

Jake said...

Awesome! Glad to see you all are on board. Anyone else?

Coach Jake

Anonymous said...

Daniel Raskin plans on attending

Anonymous said...

Haley A would like to attend. Attn Judy S: Haley's folks will drive on Sat and will have room for 1 more athlete (besides Haley) comfortably and 2 more (beside Haley) athletes safely, altho uncomfortably.

Anonymous said...

frankel is goin

Anonymous said...

Adam Rafowitz can go

Haley said...

I'm GOing!

Anonymous said...

yes yes

Anonymous said...

grewe is but wont go to lindberg.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Ethan Rasmussen will be there

Anonymous said...

sam bumsted can go but only on saturday

Anonymous said...

Maddie Hudek will be there after 12 on Saturday and whenever Sunday

Anonymous said...

Sara Gottlieb will be there Saturday and possibly Sunday morning if there's a game.

Anonymous said...

Gordy Stillman can come sunday and in the afternoon saturday,

can drive

Anonymous said...

Can't come i've got predetermined plans. thought i'd let you know i'm interested though.

-Aaron Blaser (9th)

Anonymous said...

mia bronstein can come and needs a ride

Anonymous said...

val's parents can do driving home on sunday and probably saturday...