Monday, December 08, 2008

Hopkins Ultimate Discs

All the players registered for the club should receive a Hopkins Ultimate disc. I distributed many before the Winnipeg trip. Emma has been passing them out at Sunday practices. I still have discs for the following people:
J. Barry
Z. Berman
M. Bronstein
I. Herman
D. Locketz
A. Mintzer
J. Shaneding
J. Steinman
A. Stillman
A. Tarshish
N. Wexler

The discs will be at the next Sunday practice. If you are not on this list and should receive a disc, please let me know.
Sheri (952-593-5956)


Anonymous said...

I can never come on Sundays. Could Emma give to disc to Sarah to give to me at school?
Mia Bronstein

Anonymous said...

sussman still needs one

Sheri (Emma's and Sarah's mom) said...

Mia, I'll give Sarah the disc so she can hand it off to you.