Monday, February 02, 2009

Spring Ultimate Plans

Wondering about the Ultimate schedule ahead? We don't have access to much indoor practice space right now. But we are making plans for our impending outdoor season. Mark your calendar now. Our captains and coaches are submitting bids for several tournaments. We don't have certain acceptance yet, but here are the dates you should know about. Parents, start thinking about which destinations interest you cause we'll need drivers/chaperones.

March 21-22, Chicago Invite, college tournament for Varsity Boys

*Spring League begins in April*

April 18-19
, Paideia Cub, Atlanta, GA, Varsity Boys and Girls
April 25-26, Madison Mudbath, probably all three teams
May 2-3, Granite City Classic, St. Cloud, JV Boys
May 9-10, Hopkins Hustle, (Maple Plain Polo Grounds) all three teams and many volunteer opportunities!
May 16-17, Western Nationals, Blaine, MN, Varsity Boys and Girls
May 30-June 1, Minnesota State High School Ultimate Tournament, Maple Plain, all thee teams

We plan to have a Hopkins Ultimate spring informational meeting in a few weeks to provide more information and answer questions. As soon as we know when and where, you'll see it here on the blog.

Players, share this information with your parents if they are not regular blog readers.


Mikey K said...

Update on Mudbath...

Website says that only one team per division will be accepted into mudbath. So all three teams is a stretch.

Anonymous said...

born to dive?