Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Paideia plans and roster

We would like to confirm the list of players participating in Paideia Cup (April 17-19). Once we know the exact people, we can purchase tickets. Currently, ticket prices are around $225 to Atlanta. (Other player expenses will include ground transportation in Atlanta, registration fees and coaches travel.) The boys will be housed by the tournament.

See http://paideiacup.googlepages.com/ for more details about the tournament.

If you are going, please send a deposit for the trip this week for $225 payable to Hopkins Ultimate to Sheri Brenden, 2317 Archers Lane, Minnetonka, MN 55305 or give to Mikey at practice Sunday.

The following people have said they are making the trip. If you are not on the list and are planning to go to Paideia, please add a comment and send a deposit.

1. Ethan Rasmussen
2. Josh Klane
3. Colin Camp
4. Noah Sanders
5. Mat Grewe
6. Jon Alter
7. Zach Mekler
8. Evan Tarshish
9. Eli Leonard
10. Robbie Shapiro
11. Simon
12. Asa
Updates 3/26
13. Jake Hoffman
14. Michael Tradewell
15 Sam Bumsted

Chaperones: Camps and Larry Shapiro
Coaches: Mike and Lou


Anonymous said...

jake hoffman is coming

Matt Freeman said...

you guys all better be coming to this. i'm planning on coming to watch you play.

paideia champs 09!

Wayne Roemhildt said...

Favorite tournament memory -

Traveling to Atlanta with HUrt to represent Minnesota Youth Ultimate...in all humbleness and noble fashion.

An 8 team invite, the 1st Paideia Cup was a coming out party for a team, a goal, a program and a midwest school. Hopkins courageously and confidently fought through deep pain and doubts to narrowly defeat the Dynastic home team...to face the legendary Amherst in the finals. For the first time in Amherst's tournament history, they were brought to "half" by an opponent...the underdog HUrtems. The eventual loss handed to Hopkins was a minor detail, and a major win to us in so many ways...too many to list. Between the departures at MSP Airport and the goodbyes to our hosts, lay the moments of the fruits-of-our-labors...born from that - the confidence, love, and vision that has proven to be a cornerstone of inspiration and...the HUrt way.

Thanks for the memories, it makes me smile often.

Now, Ninos and Ninas, go get em.
Go get "IT"! Whatever your "IT" is - may you find success as players and teammates, as well as the family members who add the all important INTANGIBLES factor...and do so the way the game should be played - as noble warriors.

I'd say good luck, but...I believe luck is for those who lack talent, and chance prefers those who are PREPARED.
So, it's my hope that everyone commits to each other and prepares in a manner that will make all HUrtems past and present proud.

:) Been a while since I rambled on to you...thanks!

Always, Bueno
p.s The pain, the pain!..the beautiful pain!