Monday, April 13, 2009


Gentlemen and Parents,

We are excited about the Varsity Team's trip to Atlanta on Friday. After your stellar display of might and excellence in Chicago, we envision GREAT things for you in this premier tournament.

Leave Friday, April 17th
AirTran Flight #843 departing Humphrey Terminal at 1:13 pm, arriving ATL at 4:40 pm

Return Sunday, April 19th
AirTran Flight #869 departing Atlanta at 8:45 pm, arriving Humphrey Terminal at 10:25 pm

Tickets have been booked for the following:
Louis Abramowski (coach)
Mike Kinsella (coach)
Jonathan Alter
Sam Bumsted
Colin Camp
Asa Gotlieb
Simon Gottlieb
Mat Grewe
Jake Hoffman
Josh Klane
Zach Mekler
Ethan Rasmussen
Noah Sanders
Robbie Shapiro
Evan Tarshish
Michael Tradewell

*** Remember... AirTran Airways departs and arrives from the Humphrey Terminal on 34th Ave S. ***

Baggage info:
* We have included your first checked bag in your tournament fee ($15). Any extra checked luggage will be the responsibility of the athlete beyond the first bag.
* Please don't show up with your old hockey equipment bag as your carry-on luggage. LOL. "No carry-on item may exceed overall dimensions of 55 inches (length + width + height)." To be sure of the requirements for carry-on and checked baggage, please check the following link:
* Check with your coaches as to what items they want you to carry on with you (e.g., jerseys, spikes, shorts, etc.)

We just received the name of the family you'll be staying with in Atlanta. The family's name is Lasiter. Helen Lasiter, the mom, is actually from Minnesota. They have the youngest Ultimate players in Paideia School. According to Dave Clauson, tournament director, the Lasiters have a history of being a source of great luck. Every team they've housed has been in the Paideia Cup final. Let's keep their streak alive!!!! I will be contacting Helen Lasiter today and will post more information as soon as I receive it (address, phone number, directions, etc.)

After a bit of searching and negotiating, we were able to get a reasonably good deal on two 8-passenger Sienna vans through Alamo. The challenge was finding a rental firm that was open late on Sunday and that didn't require rental vehicles just to get to the rental vehicles. We managed to get a little over 30% off their Internet rates with a little (ok, a lot) of begging. The vans will be available at the Atlanta Airport upon arrival and will need to be returned between 7:00 - 7:30 on Sunday evening.

The total participation fee for each of the 14 guys on the Varsity Team is $460.00.
Each participant has already paid $225. The balance of $235 per athlete is due ASAP. Please get your checks payable to "Hopkins Ultimate" to your coach or directly to:
Sheri Brenden
2317 Archers Lane
Minnetonka, MN 55305

Anyone whose full payment is not received before the Friday departure WILL NOT BE ALLOWED TO TRAVEL WITH THE TEAM!!

Your fee includes: airline ticket ($311.20), 1st checked bag fee ($15), rental vehicles and gas, coaches travel and per diem expenses, tournament registration fee, and host family gift.

If anyone has any questions re: any of the travel arrangements, please feel free to call me at 612-508-6965. I'll be happy to explain anything I can.

Thanks for allowing me to help. And may the winds of great fortune be at the backs of our men.

John Dailey


Anonymous said...

What time would you like the boys to be at the airport? I can bring a few boys with me from HHS to the airport with Evan.

Cindy T.

Anonymous said...

you should really work on finding cheaper flight stuff, not everyone is made of money

Anonymous said...
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Sheri (Emma's and Sarah's mom) said...

To the anonymous poster, the club works hard to arrange cost-effective travel. John spent many hours, emails and phone calls to organize and reserve hotels, vans, and chaperones for the upcoming trip. I really appreciate his willingness to volunteer his time for HURT. You should too.

He does encounter certain challenges that I don't think you understand:
1. Tickets cannot be booked without specific names and the team was late in providing firm commitments and checks from players. That reduces our price options.
2. We needed a plane with 16 empty seats so our players and coaches could travel together. That limits our choices.
3. John is not a travel agent. This is not his job. Yet he receives multiple requests from people needing customized assistance.

Instead of criticizing someone who has given much to this club, I wish you would have channeled your money concerns into leading a fundraiser. That made a big difference for last year's team. In fact, please send me your name and I have several volunteer tasks that remain for the Hustle, which should help the club raise funds.

Mikey K said...

hear hear, sheri!

thanks for all your hard work johnny d.

mikey k