Friday, May 08, 2009

JV- Hustle Details meet at 7:45 at the fields

Hello all JV players, 
Plan to arrive at the fields at 7:45.  Come prepared as usual with: both jerseys, water, extra socks, shorts etc.

See you there,

Tom M


Aaron B. said...

do we need to bring food?

Anonymous said...

i might need a ride from someone...jeremy steinman

Sheri (Emma's and Sarah's mom) said...

There will be bagels, peanut butter, fruit and water for all the players as well as each team has a cooler with sports drinks, bars fruit snackes and pickles.

For lunch, you can pack something or bring money for hot food sold on site by Dobos.

Anonymous said...

I will only be able to come on Sunday
Dylan Krebs