Monday, June 08, 2009

Congrats to All Teams on a Successful Season!

Congrats to all teams on a successful season! The girls' placed 5th at State, the Boys' JV won a few games this weekend , and the Boys' Varsity completed an undefeated high school season by winning the MN State Championship!

Thanks again to all parents, coaches, and fans for supporting our teams this weekend at State and all throughout the year. Have a great summer!

Players, if you are not going away to camp, I would highly recommend signing up for the MN Youth Summer League. The cost is $15, and the first 100 players to sign up get a disc included with their registration at no extra cost!

The link is here:

If you are interested in playing on the Minnesota YCC teams, you need to be in the Youth Summer League!

Questions? Let me know.

Mikey K

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