Friday, October 30, 2009

2009-2010 Boys Varsity Team

Thank you all for trying out throughout the fall and playing extremely hard. There are many people that have worked hard enough to be on varsity but unfortunately, there are cuts that have to be made. The 2009-10 Hurt Varsity roster is:
Captain Josh Klane
Captain Eli Leonard
Captain Ethan Rasmussen
Onstar Aanestad
Nihal Bhakta
Boomstad Bumsted
Greg Cousins
Bonesaw Hoffman
Jason Finkelstein
Evan Fisher
Danny Gollin
Y Mekler
Z Mekler
Daniel Raskin
Mike Rumble
Schlomo Segal
Congrats to all that have been selected. As we talked about on Wednesday night, this roster is fluid in both directions. If you are not named above but work your butt off through the winter and show us that you belong, there are opportunities to move up.


Anonymous said...

honestly, this upsets me a lot.......

Anonymous said...

congrats to all!!

Anonymous said...

lets get to work boys

Anonymous said...

ball, wet

Anonymous said...

Yeah, Varsity nice Work have a Great Season
The Rosenstein's

Anonymous said...

great job and gongrats to all that made the team


Anonymous said...

who's spanky