Friday, October 23, 2009

Girl's Practices


We only have 1 or 2 more outdoor practices for the fall! It would be really nice to have enough girls to scrimmage because we'll be splitting off from the boys for our own practices. If you can't make it PLEASE let one of the captains or coaches know as soon as you know you won't be able to come. As soon as the schedule is up, feel free to post if you are coming or not here.

Please either fill in your availability in the Google doc or post. Your responses determine when we'll be having practice this week.


Erin said...

We have 5 girls that can make it to Tuesday practice (2 of whom have been deathly ill in recent history). That's, frankly, not enough to be of any value.

If we don't get any other girls by noon, I'm canceling it.


Unknown said...

I can go to wed and thurs.