Wednesday, October 07, 2009

Hold Back the Snow Rosters

Hurt Black ( '*' denotes captain)
*Haley Arenson
*Jenna Dailey
Laurel Oswald
*Emma Peaslee
Mara Saltzman
Abby Werner
Carl Aanestad
Nihal Bhakta
Sam Bumsted
Evan Fischer
Jake Hoffman
*Josh Klane
*Eli Leonard
Daniel Raskin
*Ethan Rasmussen
Mike Ruble
Sam Segal
Jack Sussman

Hurt Silver ('*' denotes captain)
Mia Bronstein
Maddie Hudek
Margo Levitt
Bailey Taylor
*Val Schoonover
Aaron Blaser
Danny Gollin
Tom Kachelmacher
Drew Locketz
*Wyatt Mekler
*Zach Mekler
Benji Mosow
Sam Parker
Joel Ratner
Brett Rosenstein
Matt Rosenstein
Jeremy Steinman
Dylan Younger

Get ready for a great practice tomorrow at Burnes Park, 5:00 PM - dark.



Anonymous said...

does this mean if we have our kinda silver jerseys from last year tht we shud wear them there?

Mikey K said...

no, black or silver does not specify uniforms.

Anonymous said...
