Friday, April 30, 2010
Here's the schedule:
We're going into Seattle as the #1 seed, and we're gonna leave Seattle as the #1 seed. WBN
Mekler bring a good movie for the plane.
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Boys Varsity Game at Armstrong - Details
We're playing our game at Armstrong tonight, which is just west of 169 on 36th Ave N.
The address of the school is: 10635 36th Ave N, Plymouth, MN.
The field we will most likely be playing on is the one last year, down by Medicine Lake. We are going to meet in the back parking lot (the teacher's lot) of the high school, then if we have to move, we'll move from there.
Parents, if you are coming to the game and don't see us at the field, please give me a call at 630-803-7350 and I can direct you to our new field. Updates will be posted here as necessary.
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Rule Myths
Over the past week or so I've seen our players encounter some calls that could have been handled better, both at Mudbath and at league games.
To avoid these situations at Nationals and State, I'm going to assign some reading material for everyone.
UPA Rules blog - Calls & Contests you are welcome to read the whole thing, but the part that's the assignment starts at Rule Myth: "It's the receiver's call"
You can stop reading immediately following the discussion of "check feet" as an imaginary call.
Please keep in mind that knowing the rules is part of your job as a Hurtem.
It's a gorgeous day for ultimate, have fun.
Varsity Schedule and Update for 4/28-29
Like the JV team has done, due to field availability concerns, the Varsity team is moving our game on Thursday 4/29 from a home game at Lindbergh to an away game at Robbinsdale Armstrong HS. Meet at Lindbergh at 4:30 to carpool.
Thank you to Armstrong and Coach Mike Berseth for being able to accomodate our field space request in ways that has been difficult from our own school. Right now, they are figuring out which of two (two!!!) guaranteed (guaranteed!!!) field spaces we'll be using; once that is decided I will update this information on the blog.
Tonight, Wednesday, we'll be practicing at Lindbergh at 6 PM. Meet near the climbing structure and we'll be there if the space allotted for us is open. If not we may be scrambling. Such is life as noble warriors. Remember, there is still time before nationals! Be there! Get your brothers to practice!!!
Mikey K
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Update! JV Practice and Game
Jennifer Kreiman will organize the transportation.
JV practice will be at Lions Park tomorrow from 5:00 to 7:30.
Mudbath Lost & Found
Granite City -- All Teams
Saturday and Sunday (8): Locketz, Mosow, Gollin, Herzog, Margolis, Raskin, Ratner, Steinman
Sunday Only (2): Elias, Younger
The JV is looking for additional players and we would to invite players from the other two teams to play with us at the Granite City Classic. While many of the Varsity boys and girls are busy with something called prom this weekend, those of you who are not attending prom should consider joining us in St. Cloud.
If you are interested, please sign up in the comments below. Cost is $15 for one day and $25 for two.
Also, drivers desperately needed.
Monday, April 26, 2010
GIRLS HOME GAME!!!!!!!!! 4/27
Varsity Practice Tonight 6-7
See you tonight.
Michael K
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Mudbath Champions
Estimated arrival time: 8:30 to 9 p.m.
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Madison trip leaves tomorrow
Your hosts (two repeats from last year) are -
Varsity Boys Team
Girls Team Winton and Tammy Boyd,
Meet at 3 p.m. Friday (4/23) at Adath Jeshurun, 10500 Hillside Lane West . Leave at 3:15.
Tournament schedules and information can be found at Madison Mudbath's web site.
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Boys Varsity at South
JV Game vs. Eden Prairie B
If there is not a suitable place for warm-up, we will have to wait until space opens up. It is unfortunate that we are in this situation, but ANY disruption to other teams will have serious consequences for our club's ability to practice and play at Lindbergh.
See you tomorrow. GAME TIME!
Madison Mudbath- Bring your tennis shoes!
Also remember that if we are outside that you will need warm and appropriate clothing. 55 degrees and raining can be quite chili. This means bring winter hats, mittens, hand warmers, raincoats, tights, plenty of socks, umbrellas and any layers you have that dry quickly and can keep you warm while wet. NO COTTON!
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Smarsity Smactice
Varsity Practice
Monday, April 19, 2010
Girls game at Armstrong Tomorrow
Jeanine and Erin
Plymouth, MN
Scrimmage at TCF Bank
Lets slice and dice some grey duck,
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Madison Mudbath is coming up quickly. Just want to put in a plug to get a few more parents to enjoy all the tournament offers. You'll have a wonderful time watching the elite teams of the tournament - Hopkins' teams. Being a chaperone at this tournament is about the easiest chaperone job you can get.
- Ride the coach with us. We still have plenty of room. (The coach is even equipped with WIFI and DVD. It's a really tough life.)
- Help collect the athletes each morning from their host homes (on the bus, real tough duty).
- Cheer on and support our teams (we have 3 teams playing in the tournament).
- Help fill water bottles.
- Just be there to help in any way our coaches and athletes need.
- Help make sure the athletes all get back to their host homes or actitivities in the evening.
- Relax in the luxurious accommodations of the Radisson West Madison Hotel each evening (including the Sleep Number bed in your room) while the athletes enjoy the supervision of their host parents and coaches. Each morning, enjoy a full hot breakfast buffet at the Radisson, included with your room.
- Spend most of your time just watching WITH PRIDE the classiest athletes of the tournament - our kids. (Now, this really is a tough job, but someone has to do it!!!!)
Parent Bus Rides:
For parents wishing to go, you are welcome to either drive yourself, or ride the bus with us. Roundtrip bus is only $75 per person.
Hotel Reservations:
We have reserved a block of rooms at the Radisson Hotel Madison at only $79 per night (90.46 per night, including 14.5% taxes). A hot buffet breakfast is also included with your room. Rooms can be reserved in your name beginning tomorrow morning (Monday, April 19). Just let them know you're with HOPKINS ULTIMATE. Any problems, let me know or ask for Fred in Sales at the hotel. If you're interested in more information about the hotel, please visit the following link:
Radisson Hotel Madison
517 Grand Canyon Drive, Madison Wisconsin 53719,
(608) 833-0100
Driving Directions:
Driving directions to Madison and the playing fields (and Radisson) can be found by clicking the following link:
For your own GPS, the address for the tournament is:
James Madison Memorial High School
201 S. Gammon Rd.
Madison, WI 53717
Also, I will probably need a bit of help when loading the bus. Please don't just place luggage under the bus as it will need to be separated by team so it will be easier when we drop athletes off at their host homes. If you have any questions, please call me at 612-508-6965 or at Thanks, and I look forward to seeing you at the tournament.
John Dailey
JV Practice Schedule
Check back on the blog later this evening for more details on this week's schedule.
JV Tournament Sign-Up - Granite City Classic
Departure: We will be coming home on Saturday night, so departure will be from Lindbergh at 7:45AM on Saturday and Sunday mornings.
Return: We should be home on Saturday around 7pm, give or take an hour. Sunday's return time will depend on the results of our Sunday games.
Transportation: Actively looking for parent volunteers to drive. Please contact Jennifer Kreiman at if you are willing to drive.
Cost: $25 for the weekend, $15 if you can only attend one day. Cost includes tournament fees and transportation.
This is a really fun tournament and close to home too. Please comment below if you can come. As with other tournaments, we may have to cap the roster depending on interest. Please sign up by noon on Sunday, April 25 if you would like to come to this tournament. That means if you are going to Madison, try to sign up this week.
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Girls Captains Practices
Thursday @ Lions Park 3:30-5:30
Let Emma, Haley or me know if you can't make it. See you there!
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Parents going to Madison April 23-25
Boys Varsity at Cretin,+MN+55116&hl=en&ie=UTF8&hq=Cretin-Derham+Hall+High+School&hnear=550+S+Albert+St,+St+Paul,+MN+55105&ll=44.925068,-93.159342&spn=0.008553,0.022638&t=h&z=16
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Madison roster - checks due this weekend
19 JV- Z. Berman (pd), J. Elias(pd), Little Shish(pd), A. Raskin(pd), D. Locketz, J. Ratner(pd), D. Younger, J. Margolis (pd), B. Mosow(pd), A. Blaser(pd), C. Lovagnini, S. Kaminsky(pd), W. Cohen(pd), B. Spencer (pd), E.Friedman (pd), J. Steinman, S. Segal(pd), T. Taylor, T. Kachelmacher
12 Girls - M. Bronstein(pd), E. Petersen(pd), A. Werner (pd), H. Arenson(pd), J. Daley(pd), L. Oswald(pd), E. Peaslee(pd), M. Saltzman(pd), A. Mastbaum, M. Levitt(pd), B. Taylor, M. Hudek
11 Varsity - Z. Mekler, J. Hoffman, N. Bhakta(pd), D. Raskin(pd), J. Finkelstein, S. Bumsted, Klane (pd), Leonard, Rasmussen, J. Taylor, G. Cousins
If you won't be riding the bus for some reason, please post a comment.
Hustle Housing Details
POP Skills Clinic
Details can be found on the registration form here
Please talk to Coach Jeanine or Coach Erin for more info.
Mikey K
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Monday, April 12, 2010
Ladies Game Tomorrow
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Mudbath Update
JV Practice Schedule
Monday April 12th: 4:30 pm-7 pm
Wednesday April 14th: 4:30 pm- 7pm
League game on Thursday, at Wayzata
Practice Schedule for varsity this week!
Tuesday April 13th: 4:30 pm- 7 pm
Wednesday April 14th: 4:30 pm- 6pm then dinner at Klane's again.
Host Families needed for the Hopkins Hustle
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Plan to go to Madison tournament ? - Sign up now
Thursday, April 08, 2010
Boys' JV and Varsity Games Today
As posted yesterday on the right menu, the Boys' Varsity and JV teams start MNHSUL play today both with away games.
Varsity plays at 6 PM at Minikahda Vista Park in SLP vs Minneapolis Southwest.
JV plays at 6 PM at Blake Middle School in Hopkins vs Blake A.
Both teams will be meeting at Lindbergh at 4:30 PM to carpool to the respective fields. JV parents, if you can drive players, thank you and please show up at Lindbergh at 4:30!
Things each player should bring:
-- a dark (black) jersey
-- a white (GREY is not WHITE) jersey
-- cleats
-- a disc
-- YOUR OWN WATER (preferably in a reusable water bottle)
-- any player specific things you need (inhaler, a granola bar, ankle brace, etc...)
-- enough clothes for any weather (it *could* rain/snow/whatever tonight)
-- your voices and a Noble Warrior mentality!
This is the time of year we look forward to during all those winter indoor workouts! Let's have a great spring season, Hurt!
Wednesday, April 07, 2010
Girls Team Pasta Party
Captains practice @ Lions Park from 3:30-5 then a pasta party at my (Jenna's) house and maybe a movie?
To bring:
I will make the pasta and bread.
Mara will bring cupcakes and anyone else who wants to bring dessert go for it!
We'll need someone to bring salad and a couple people to bring drinks.
Post on the blog with what you are going to bring!
Monday, April 05, 2010
JV Practice this week -- Updated
JV Captains' practice, Wednesday 4/7, Lions Park from 4:30 - 7:00
Girl's League Game RESCHEDULED
Eden Prairie is on spring break, so we will not be able to have our game on Tuesday. It will be rescheduled as soon as we can connect with the coaches over there.
We'd like to get together anyway to do an indoor workout. Please meet at Lindbergh at 3:30 to warm up. Jeanine can be there at 4.
Bring tennis shoes, water and a disc.
Please post in the comments if you have any questions.
Jeanine & Erin
JV Practice - Tues at Lions Park (4:30 p.m.)
First league game on Thursday.
Sunday, April 04, 2010
Boys Varsity Practice
Tuesday April 6th: 4:30 pm- 7 pm
Wednesday April 7th: 4:30 pm- 6pm then dinner at my house again.
Mekler: bring a movie.
Madison Mudbath --- April 23-25
A big weekend is approaching -- All three Hopkins teams are playing in the Madison Mudbath. If you intend to participate, we'll need to hear from you in a comment as soon as possible. We may have to cap our numbers so the sooner you let us know, the more likely you can be included on the trip. The coaches will, of course, have the final decision on who goes.
Each team will spend two nights with a host family in Madison. And, of course, our players are known as polite and pleasant guests. Host families ask for us! Hold up the reputation!
$95/player for registration ($250 for each team - yikes!), safe travel by bus, coach travel expense and per diem, host gift and some field food.
You must be signed up for the trip by Friday, 4/10. Check must be made out to "Hopkins Ultimate" and delivered to your coach or Sheri Brenden (2317 Archers Lane, Minnetonka, MN 55305) no later than Friday 4/17.
The tournament provides bagels/fruit on the field and a wonderful potluck on Saturday night.
Meet at 3 p.m. Friday (4/23) at Adath Jeshurun, 10500 Hillside Lane West . Leave at 3:15.
Tournament ends at about 3:30 p.m. or so on Sunday 4/25. We should arrive back at Adath Jeshurun at about 9 or 9:30 p.m.
Please sign up as soon as possible by adding a comment to this post. Again, participation is limited, so sign up soon so the coaches have a chance to prepare for the tourney.
John Dailey
Friday, April 02, 2010
Help a brother out.....please!
MNHS Ultimate Leage Games Next Week
I hope you are enjoying your spring breaks! When school starts back up on Monday, we get right back into it and the MN HS League starts!
Girls first game is Tuesday, April 6 at 6 PM.
Boys' JV and Boys Varsity first games are Thursday, April 8 at 6 PM.
As we don't have access to the Lindbergh fields until the week of 4/12, expect this week's games to be "away" games. Plan on meeting at the high school around 4:30 to carpool. Assume all three games will be at different locations as well. JV parents, if you are planning on attending and can drive, please post in the comments, as the JV team has the biggest need for rides. The schedule for the first half of league play will be finalized by the league board over the weekend, but expect all 3 Hopkins teams to be playing away games this week.
Why does the schedule not come out until 3 days before games start? Because the registration deadline for MNHSUL was just this week. The first half of the schedule will be finished by Monday at the latest, and the second half of the schedule will be decided based on the first half results.
We will post the first week schedule (and a link to the MNHS Ultimate schedule) once it is finalized.