Sunday, April 04, 2010

Madison Mudbath --- April 23-25


A big weekend is approaching -- All three Hopkins teams are playing in the Madison Mudbath. If you intend to participate, we'll need to hear from you in a comment as soon as possible. We may have to cap our numbers so the sooner you let us know, the more likely you can be included on the trip. The coaches will, of course, have the final decision on who goes.

Each team will spend two nights with a host family in Madison. And, of course, our players are known as polite and pleasant guests. Host families ask for us! Hold up the reputation!

$95/player for registration ($250 for each team - yikes!), safe travel by bus, coach travel expense and per diem, host gift and some field food.

You must be signed up for the trip by Friday, 4/10. Check must be made out to "Hopkins Ultimate" and delivered to your coach or Sheri Brenden (2317 Archers Lane, Minnetonka, MN 55305) no later than Friday 4/17.

The tournament provides bagels/fruit on the field and a wonderful potluck on Saturday night.

Meet at 3 p.m. Friday (4/23) at Adath Jeshurun, 10500 Hillside Lane West . Leave at 3:15.

Tournament ends at about 3:30 p.m. or so on Sunday 4/25. We should arrive back at Adath Jeshurun at about 9 or 9:30 p.m.

Please sign up as soon as possible by adding a comment to this post. Again, participation is limited, so sign up soon so the coaches have a chance to prepare for the tourney.

John Dailey


Unknown said...

Hey Jon, Don't you have the wrong weekend? I thought it's the following weekend?

Zach Berman said...

I would like to go

Anonymous said...

is the check for $95 or $250?

Mia said...

Mia Bronstein is planning on going.

Anonymous said...

Jacob Elias plans to go

Michael said...

Michael Lieberman can not attend. He will be in Mexico.

Anonymous said...

Zach mekler will be there

Anonymous said...

Little Shish will be attending the mudbath!

Anonymous said...

Jake Hoffman would like to go

Nihal B said...

Nihal Bhakta will be there for sure

Anonymous said...

aaron and daniel rakin will be attending

Anonymous said...

im glad the rakin family will be if only the raskins would go

Anonymous said...

Emily Petersen would like to go

abby said...

abby is going!

Drew said...

Drew Locketz would like to go

Haley said...

I'm there.

Anonymous said...

joel ratner would like to go

Anonymous said...

Dylan Younger would like to go!

Unknown said...

Josh Margolis would like to go.

Anonymous said...

The per team fee is $250, each player pays $95 to cover that fee, travel, and per diem for coaches. The check is for $95.

Anonymous said...

Mara Saltzman will be in attendance!

Anonymous said...

Will Cohen would like to go

Anonymous said...

Benji Mosow will be there

Aaron B. said...

Aaron Blaser would like to go!

Anonymous said...

Chris Lovagnini would like to go.

Anonymous said...

Erik Maag would like to go.

Anonymous said...

Benji Mosow will be there!

Sam K said...

Sam Kaminsky is going to be there!!

Anonymous said...

Danny Gollin plans to go

Anonymous said...

Little late...but Fink will be there!

Anonymous said...

See you guys there...there's rumor we will be putting on a inter-squad showcase game for you guys but i guess that is still tbd. Regardless of whether or not we do, i'll still be there to cheer you guys on either saturday or sunday.

-colin camp

Anonymous said...

sam bumsted would like to go

Anonymous said...

sam bumsted would like to go

Jenna said...

Jenna will be there

Anonymous said...

Alex Mastbaum will be there

Anonymous said...

duhhh laureeeellllll will be there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i LOVEEEE ultimate

Anonymous said...

laurel you're weird.

emma will be there

Adam said...

Little shish
is not sure now.

Anonymous said...

if there is still room margo levitt would like to go

val said...

i might go to cheer you all on but it will definitely be on the bus.

Anonymous said...

i meant to say that it definately WON'T be on the bus.-val

Anonymous said...

Braden Spencer will be going

Anonymous said...

Tom Kachelmacher would like to attend

Anonymous said...

All Taylors would like to go.