Monday, November 29, 2010

Sweatshirt Orders

Hello Ya'll,

I hope everyone had a nice thanksgiving. It is time to put the orders in for the sweatshirts and get them in the mail so we can have them for the long and cold upcoming winter. However, before I order them, i need to have the money before ordering them. The final cost on them is 29 dollars. This can be cash or check made out to me. If you have any questions please post them on the comment section or email me or erin, and she can forward emails on to me also. Please get the money to me soon so that we can get the order on it's way.
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Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Winter Accountability #2

Another 2 weeks have passed of our Winter season. Are you recruiting? Remember to email me if you've thrown with a newb.

Thank you to Ratner, Val & Lieberman for doing their part.

I would recommend you try to throw outside this week. Chicago Invite felt a lot like this last year. It's hard for us to replicate windy and cold practice situations (especially indoors), so when the weather cooperates - go throw outside for a while.

Stay toasty,

Monday, November 22, 2010

Thanksgiving week

Hey Gang
We wont have workouts this week because of thanksgiving break. Thank you to those who came today. Make sure to keep up workouts on your own through the long weekend

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Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Varsity Workouts

Alright boys,
So it has been tough getting all of us to workouts because of lack of a permanent schedule. This will be our schedule until indoor practice starts:
Monday 3:00
Wednesday 3:00
Thursday 3:00
All of these will be at lindbergh and as always, call if you cant make it

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Friday, November 12, 2010

Sweatshirts for EVERYONE

Hello Everyone,

So girls are ordering sweatshirts. We want to get them sooner rather than later, however we wanted to spread this to everyone, guys on jv and varsity, alumni, parents, etc, that are interested in a Hopkins ultimate sweatshirt. I posted a link below to show you what our sweatshirt design is. I think it would be awesome if we got them and all looked united, however this is extra money that is not part of the money your parents paid for registration. The more people we get to purchase a sweatshirt the less they will be. As of now, only estimating for nine people, the sweatshirts are 31 dollars. If you are interested please post below with your size, and the name you would like to have on your sweatshirt. I will keep those interested updated on the price as hopefully more people decide to get them.


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Tuesday, November 09, 2010

Captain's Practice

There will be a varsity captain's practice on Thursday November 11th at 3:15 pm at Lion's park in Golden Valley. This will be our last time outside most likely, so everyone needs to be there. Again, if you can't make it, call me or bumsted.

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Winter accountability #1


It's been 2 weeks since I posted your Winter Responsibilities, which means you should have thrown with someone who isn't already a Hurtem by now. Email me if you have

Both Parents and Players did a great job rallying to cover the Halloween weekend Cub shifts, so THANK YOU for your time and energy.

Please keep in touch with your captains about whether or not you can attend workouts (or if you're healing). I will be attending these workouts intermittently so I can see with my own eyes who's putting in the work.

Hold each other accountable and have fun,


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Monday, November 08, 2010

Varsity Workout

We will have a workout tomorrow at lindbergh.
Tuesday Nov 9th at 3:00 pm
It is mandatory so tell us if you can't make it

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Friday, November 05, 2010

Hopkins Varsity Roster

Ladies and Gentlemen: The 2010-2011 Hopkins Varsity Ultimate Team

*Please note that nothing is permanent on this team. Anyone can be cut and anyone can be brought up. If you are not on the team, keep working, come to workouts, and prove your improvement. Call a coach or captain if you have questions*

Capt. Eli Leonard

Capt. Sam Boomenshtad

Jake “Bonesaw” Hoffman

Jordan “Pus” Taylor

Zach “work on your flick immediately” Mekler

Wyatt “lift some weights” Mekler

Jack “Chopped” Sussman

Danny “Goofy” Gollin


Jeremy “Wahhhh wahhhh” Steinman

Daniel “forscribe” Raskin

Nate “schwextang” Wexler

T-mon Kachelmacher

Dylan Older (younger)

Adam “the future” Shapiro

Mike “wahhh wahhh #2” Seffren

A-ron Blaz Bullet

Minjy Mosow

Benny “yoshi, diaper” Greenfield

JJ Pooh-ra

Jacob “don’t die on me” Brandys

The following people have a spot on varsity pending their registration and work ethic in winter practice:

Julius Williamson

Nick Bellato (prolly spelled that wrong)

Jack Deutch (prolly spelled that wrong)

Max Stelzner

Lets work hard boys. We all need to show up to workouts and practices once they start in the winter. Check the blog everyday. Get your team to practices, or we will all have to work to fill their hole.


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Monday, November 01, 2010

Girl's Winter Work Out..WOOOHOO

Hey Girls,

We haven't had practice for awhile and it's time we get into shape. We may not have the numbers this year but we can easily be the most in shape team in minnesota to beat the other teams, no matter their numbers. We will be making this a typical thing. Work outs start at 3:00 in the Lindbergh center. We will work hard and hopefully it won't go late. I understand that all of you are good students and care about doing homework, which i support and act on myself, however, you are part of a team and you need to make it your priority also. See you tomorrow. We'll have a blast together, like we always do!

If you have any concerns you can call me or erin.


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