Monday, September 02, 2013


Assiniboine Park, Winnipeg, Manitoba
October 18-19-20, 2013
Travel Day: Thursday October 17

The 20th Annual Hold Back the Snow Tournament, hosted by SJR Ultimate will be held in Winnipeg, MB on October 18-19-20, 2013. Important to note: this is MEA  weekend.
This tournament has been expanded to 3 days, for the first time.  To  celebrate the 20th anniversary of HBTS.
  We will be leaving on Thursday October 17th around noon, traveling to Winnipeg in a coach bus, returning very late Sunday night.

YOU MUST HAVE A valid PASSPORT to go on this trip.
BEFORE you sign up you must be 100% certain you have:
All necessary paperwork completed and turned in (returning players paperwork is current), your parents permission, and a valid passport.

    A total of 36 players can compete. This tournament is open to 24 HURTems (players in 10th-11th-12th), 12 HERTettes (no grade restriction) and other players by invitation.  There is a secondary signup for players to use if the 24 guy or 12 girl slots are filled, or you are interested, but not 100% sure you can go.
 FYI...... Previous years cost was approx $200 per player for a 2 day tournament.  On the signup there is a place for parents to sign up too!  We require a minimum, of 4 parent chaperones to attend/ participate, in HBTS.
This is a fun and popular tournament! Sign ups fill quickly! Have a passport?✅ paperwork? ✅ permission? ✅. Go ahead and get on the list!
Deadline: September 26


Erin's note: Signing up does not guarantee you a roster spot (because inevitably more people will sign up than we have spots for).  In order to determine the actual roster, factors will be taken into consideration including but not limited to: participation in fundraisers; attendance at practice; seniority; ability to represent Hurt in Canada; availability of parent chaperones etc.  Since practice hasn't even started yet, these criteria are subject to change.

Your email:

Need to talk to Coach Erin?

Need to talk to Coach Finn?

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