Friday, January 24, 2014

JV Carpooling

Sorry parents,

We're not sure who is available to drive tomorrow.  With these last minute, a-team-dropped, kind of situations, logistics are...well...imperfect.

JV Junior and Senior Hurtems - please post in the comments if you can drive, and how many people you can take.  Example: Erin can drive, me +3.

Everyone else playing JV tomorrow - if your parent can drive, please post in the comments and indicate how many people you can take.  Example: Erin's mom can drive, me +3.

I will send along assigned carpools for Lindbergh.

Things to remember:
The Waiver - linked in the sidebar
Snacks - this tournament will not be providing food, bring what you need
Warmups - please wear warm clothes, as you may have to park several blocks away
Cleats - this is turf, gentlemen!
A White (not grey) and a Blue/Black (not grey)
A reusable water bottle
$ - Greyduck typically has merchandise


Anonymous said...
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Cobb said...

My parents can drive three people there.

Anonymous said...

louis McGraw is driving himself oliver Lee and one other