Sunday, April 27, 2014

This week in the World of Hurt

1) On Monday night, Varsity plays CDH at the HHS Stadium.  We'd love to get the whole family out to watch, and we're hoping to take a family photo!

2) You'll notice that not all our upcoming events are specific yet - that's because this week is technically the last week that rescheduled games count for conference seeding.  We're "holding" those fields for reschedules right now.  If games cannot be rescheduled for those time slots, there will be a practice for one of our teams, but we're prioritizing the rescheduled games.  We're attempting to work out the logistics as soon as we can, and will hopefully have an update for you by Monday afternoon/evening.

The JV teams will probably have to travel to:
- Cooper (Black)
- Henry Sibley (Silver)
- Wayzata (Silver)

This is the Open (boys) bye week, that means there will be no other games besides make up games this week.  Conference games start next week.  If the weather is not cooperative...we will do our best.

3) Tonight (Sunday) is the deadline for our Sign Ups for both GCC and Centrals.  As it is right now, we do not have enough players for any team for any of those tournaments.  We also don't have enough drivers.  In order to participate in tournaments, we must have a minimum of 16 players per roster and enough drivers to transport those players to their location.

I understand that there are many players/parents in transit from Madison this afternoon.  Please do everything you can to sign up on time.


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