Monday, August 14, 2006

Captain's Practice; Huge Success

We had our first captain's practice tonight and it was a huge success! I didn't count all the kids but Greg told me there were over forty! It was really cool. We focused mostly on having fun for our first gathering of the '06-'07 season.
After a quick warm up we broke into two groups and did a few drills. Then Greg took half of the kids and did throwing while I did a huck drill. After that we were able to break into four teams! Four teams! We then just scrimmaged for the remaining time.

I am speechless as to how to respond to this practice. It was amazing, the level of new talent, the amount of kids who came, it was just phenomenal. I can't imagine how many people will come when real practices start.

I'll see everyone on Wednesday.

1 comment:

Jake said...

hey. get some more of the business cards and send them over to the other website ( that'llbe the best way to get them some more info.

nice work caps.