Sunday, August 20, 2006

HUrt Players make a gold medal showing at Worlds

For those of you who don't keep up on ultimate news, the World Junior ultimate championships (WJUC) wrapped up this week. Youth from all over the world gathered in Boston, MA to shoot it out for the Gold Medal. A number of HUrt players tried out for the team, an accomplishment in itself, most succesful, however were 2006 graduates and Hopkins HUrt captains, Yossi Kakou and Ben "Hollywood" Feldman.

Yossi, known for his pin point hucks, played for the Israeli team and lead them in scoring, playing a pivotal role on the mid-east team. Feldman played an equally important role to bring team USA to its second consecutive gold medal victory. He played extremely well, with the third most scores on team USA and fifth overall, he was a recieving powerhouse.


Carl Peaslee said...

I like how both of these picture of Yossi are pretty much the same. Same pose, same facial expression, my favorite is his fingers. A very consistent player.

Jake said...

and it looks like a consistant travel as well. maybe he's taking off after the throw, but knowing how hard he throws, i'm having a hard time imagining that it;s not a travel.

love you yos. nice consistancy. j.