Friday, March 30, 2007

MNHS Ultimate Spring League

We covered this info at the parent-player meeting on the 18th of March, so if you're all good with Hopkins Ultimate, the UPA, and have your $30 check to Hopkins Ultimate for the spring league, you should be set up. If you don't know what's going on, go to and click on the "player's checklist" link on the left, under "season information." This Player's checklist is not an official form, but if you fill it out, print it out, and give it to a coach with your $30 check, you should be good to go. This needs to happen soon. We can add people later in the season as long as we register a team of 10 by next friday, but wouldn't you rather play all the games?

Coach Russ


Anonymous said...

do we have to

Anonymous said...

i accidnelty clicked publish.
i am also to lazy to sign in with my account so i am doing it annomylously.

Do we have to do the form and stuf to play spring league?


Jake said...


stop being lazy and call your coach.


Pam said...

Russ, I was unable to attend the meeting...can you please send me an address where I can send the $30 check and forms? My e-mail is Thanks Pam Wexler