Saturday, January 17, 2009



We are scheduled for the later pool which does not start playing until later in the afternoon/evening.

Therefore, we will be leaving Lindbergh at 11:30. Be there at 11:15

Cars and Rooms will be assigned and will be communicated there.

We are going head up to Duluth. Arrive there at around 2:00, 2:30
Check into the hotel
Chill for about an hour
Head over to the field house and then we have our games

Make sure you get plenty of sleep.

What you Need:

Black Jersey/Shirt
White Jersey/Shirt
Indoor Shoes
Lots of Socks
Any braces that you wear
Compression shorts?
You will want a sweatshirt and sweatpants to travel/lounge in
Water/Water bottle
Snacks - anything that will increase your energy level efficiently.

If you can think of anything else, post it in the comments section.
Call me if you have any questions

612 296 6462

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