Thursday, January 29, 2009

St. Johns Tournament Roster and Information

Hey guys,
If you are on this list, you will be coming to the tournament this Saturday.

Sam Segal
Matt Rosenstein
Brett Rosenstein
Daniel Raskin
Tom Kachelmacher
Aaron Blaser
Adam Rafowitz
Wyatt Mekler
Drew Locketz
Aaron Raskin
Dylan Krebs
James Anema
Eli Leanord
Simon Gottlieb
Zack Mekler
Jack Sussman

We will be meeting at 10:30 in the Lindbergh parking lot.

What to bring:
$5 for gas
Black jersey or shirt
White jersey or shirt
Athletic shorts
Gym shoes
Extra socks
Water bottle with water
Snacks and money for 1 meal
A positive attitude

Make sure you get a good night sleep on friday, and get excited.

-Tom M

Directions to the tournament are coming soon.


Mikey K said...

Good luck fellas!

Sheri (Emma's and Sarah's mom) said...

Don't forget $5 for gas money.

Also, there will be some food, but pack snacks and some meal money.