Thursday, October 01, 2009

Girlies for Exit 69


We are all very excited for this weekend and I am excited to play with all us girls, but we must get some things cleared up so we have no problems or confusion the day of. First, we are expecting all of you to meet at Lindbergh at 9:00 on saturday and 7:00 sunday. This means that if your name is on the list below we will wait for you at Lindbergh until we know for sure you have a ride. So, if you are driving up separately or at a later time please post on the blog and keep your phones on so we can contact you!
Second, we need female drivers and or parents. Our games may end at a different time than the boys so it would be convenient if we all drove up and back together. If you can drive please post that on the blog too. For all you non drivers, you need to bring 3 dollars each day for gas money for whomever is driving you.
Third, bring 20 dollars for the tournament fee.
Lastly, these are the people that we are expecting to come to the tournament and meet us at Lindbergh if you have any changes ( want to come, aren't meeting us at lindbergh, can't come, etc.) please post them.

Saturday: Jenna, Emma, Haley, Laurel, Val, Mia, Maddie, Erynn, Mara, Bailey, Erin
sunday: Jenna, Emma, Haley, Laurel, Val, Mia, Maddie, Erynn, Mara, Bailey, Emily, Abby, Erin

Thanks gals
Haley Arenson (if you have any questions you can contact me)

p.s. you can/should bring some snacks


Jenna said...

I can drive

emma said...

i will already be in northfield on saturday but i can drive on sunday

Ivan said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ivan said...

I can drive


Mia said...

i will have to leave early on sunday

Sheri (Emma's and Sarah's mom) said...

I can drive on Saturday

Anonymous said...

are there any forms or anything i have to pay to play with hopkins or just the $20? and i don't really know where we're meeting... lindbergh... is it where the thursday practice last week was or is there an address that i can mapquest?


Anonymous said...

what time do we have to leave if we have a first round bye?

Haley said...

Erynn, Lindbergh is off of our high school. So it's not where we were at that practice but it's very close. You can google maps it and the address you should type in there is: 2400 Lindbergh Drive in Minnetonka.

Laurel and all girls, i will try to fix the post but for saturday since we have a bye we need to be at lindbergh at 9:00. Laurel, i know you were thinking about not meeting us there and driving from gv, is that still on?

Erin said...

Remember it is going to be cold and rainy, but being prepared means you'll be toasty warm.

I suggest you bring:
1. a large trash bag to keep your gear in.
2. extra layers and socks
3. a rain jacket that you can wear while you're cheering for your team on the sideline
4. gloves and a hat to wear between games
5. a towel
6. newspaper to stuff your cleats with at the end of the day. They'll dry much faster.
7. A thermos of something warm for the morning :)

I will be bringing gear to play as well as coach. This is going to be FUN!

We run by 10:15, do dynamics and start an Endzone drill by 10:30. Game time is 10:45.


Mara Saltzman said...

My Mom can drive we on Sunday, our van will hold 5 plus we 2 Saltzmans.

Anonymous said...

ok thanks. we are coming home saturday night right?

my team may need me for our fall league game on sunday though i would rather not go if i don't have to...


Anonymous said...

i'm going to be late both days just so you know haley, but i plan to be there both days

Haley said...

Yeah we come home saturday and if you can't come sunday that is okay, erynn. We are happy to have you for whatever we can!

Anonymous said...

i can go...
rebecca steinman

Anonymous said...

Ya I would prefer to drive gv people. So jenna or Val and Abby on sunday? Idk just would be easier.

Anonymous said...

Emily has a change of plans and will be there Saturday and Sunday...I am making cookies right now!

Jenna said...

i'm going to lindbergh-val

Unknown said...

It looks like to me that girls have enough drivers. And Im picking up emma from olaf so Im just going to drive seperatly.