Sunday, October 11, 2009

Practices This Week

Hi Everyone -

We have a busy week in preparation for Hold Back the Snow.

Monday night is a varsity/girls practice/scrimmage at Burnes. 5 PM-7 PM

Tuesday we'll have a JV/beginner practice at Burnes. 5 PM-7 PM

Wednesday night, we have practice at Maetzold park in downtown Hopkins, under the lights. Practice is from 6-8:30 PM. Varsity will be staying until 9 for some extra work. If you are going to HBTS, it is important that you attend this practice. Wednesday is a day that we've not had before, so we understand there may be conflicts, but please make every effort possible to attend.
Thursday night, we're still working out the schedule. Stay tuned.

Friday we leave for Winnipeg!!!

If you have questions about where you stand in regards to Varsity or JV, please feel free to ask your captains or coaches.

Mikey K


Anonymous said...

are we practicing in the snow?

Mikey K said...

as of now practice is on. toasty warm.

Aaron Blaser said...

i am unable to attend wednesday's paractice.

Anonymous said...

should we bring a swimsuit to winnipeg (for showering--like the mudbath)?

Mikey K said...

sure. bring a swimsuit if you want. i am pretty sure there's a pool.

Anonymous said...

was unable to attend wednesday prac due to family conflicts, but if there's prac tomoro on thurs then ill be able to attend... jeremy steinman