Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Workout with Colin "Tater" Camp


For those of you that don’t know me, my name is Colin Camp. I was on the team the last three years and I am now a freshman at Madison.

I’ll be home this weekend for break and since I plan on working out, I’d like to extend an invitation to any of you (jv, girls, varsity) to come join me for a college-level type workout. It will be good opportunity to learn some of the hard work that it takes to become a great ultimate player and a national level team.

If you’re interested I’ll be at Lindbergh Center on Wednesday at 3 pm and would love to meet some new faces and see some I already know.

If you plan on attending or are even considering it, write in the comments so I have an idea of the number of people who will be there.

Happy Holidays,

Colin Camp

p.s. Hope to see some alumni there as well!

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