Monday, December 28, 2009

MLK Tournament in Duluth, MN - Jan 17-18

The U of MN-Duluth Northern Lights Ultimate is again hosting their annual winter indoor tounament in Duluth MN.

The "college" division, in which Hurt will participate, starts on Sunday January 17 and concludes Monday January 18. The plan as of now is to leave Hopkins on Sunday morning, stay at a hotel in Duluth on Sunday night, and drive back on Monday.

Varsity boys, please comment on this post to notify coaches about your availability. We should have the space to accommodate all varsity players who are interested. Expect to leave for Duluth around 8 AM on Sunday 1/17 and return by 5 or 6 PM on Monday 1/18.

Parents, never been to an ultimate tournament? Chaperon your son's team! We are looking for about four parents to drive players in your car to and from Duluth. Parents, you would be responsible for the cost of your lodging for the one evening we are staying in Duluth, Sunday 1/17.

More information to come. Please let me know if you have any questions.


Saturday, December 26, 2009

Break Workouts

Monday Dec 28th and Wednesday Dec 30th: 12 pm at Lindbergh.

This is mandatory for Varsity players that are in town.

Anyone is welcome to come though.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Happy Holidays from Hurt!

Hello Everyone -

We are off for the next few weeks until school starts back up in January. Let me take this chance to wish everyone a Happy Holiday season from your coaches!

That being said, once school starts, get ready to get to work. Like we talked about yesterday, it is IMPERATIVE that you use this time over the next few weeks to improve yourself individually. Don't forget about ultimate over the next few weeks!

Happy Holidays!

Mikey K, Erin, Jeanine, Lou, Mike Born, Tom, and Eazy

Saturday, December 19, 2009

All Team Practice Sunday 8-10 AM - Plymouth Dome

All team practice tomorrow morning, Sunday 12/20 from 8-10 AM at the Plymouth Dome.

Please be there ten minutes early (7:50 AM) so that we can use all of the time at the Plymouth Dome.

See you there.
Mikey K

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Ignore UPA membership renewal letter

If you receive a renewal notice for your Ultimate Players Association (UPA) membership, just ignore it. Your 2010 membership has been paid with club registration fees and you will receive a membership packet in a few weeks.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Boys Varsity Practice Tuesday, 12/15

Fellas -

We have Williston tomorrow from 5:30-7 PM. Please be there at 5:15 so you have some time to get ready.

Coach Mike

Tuesday, December 08, 2009

Boys Workouts

Every MONDAY and WEDNESDAY, there will be workouts after school at 3 in the Lindbergh Center. Everyone is welcome to and should come get faster and stronger but it is mandatory for Varsity.

Hopkins Varsity Ultimate

Hopkins Varsity Boys,

We are starting to get into the full swing of the winter season and the number of people at practices and workouts is bad. Being on Varsity is a big responsibility and it means that you can't just miss practice because you feel like it. So for now on, I will be keeping track of attendance. If you miss practice and you don't notify a captain or if it's a bad excuse, you will be running a certain amount of killers at the start of practice. I know a lot of you have other sports, so this is not focused towards you guys. Get it together boys.

Monday, December 07, 2009


Please update the google doc about what dates work for you for a potential girl's get together or add a date that works better:

Also just to clarify... WE ARE GOING TO ST. OLAF THIS SATURDAY.
-Meet at lindbergh at 8:15
-Bring the waiver!
-Bring tennis shoes

*Write your name under this post if you are going to St. Olaf so we know who needs a ride

Wednesday, December 02, 2009

*UPDATED* Upcoming Practices and Hurt Events

Hi Guys -

As you may notice on the right hand menu, our winter practice space is coming together.

Here's a quick update on the next week ahead:

The Girls and Varsity teams have a practice on Sunday 12/6 from 8-10 AM at the Plymouth dome. We only have half a field on this day, so we don't have enough room for all three teams this time. There will be more space available throughout the winter and everyone *should* get some time to use this facility.

The JV team has practice on Tuesday 12/8 from 5:15-7 PM at Williston Center. We don't officially get the court until 5:30, but be there early so you have some time to change your shoes, etc. Please bring indoor shoes as this is a synthetic basketball court floor. Bring a WHITE shirt, a DARK shirt, YOUR OWN WATER, and a disc as well.

The Girls and Varsity teams have been invited to St. Olaf in Northfield, MN, on Saturday 12/12 for an indoor scrimmage. The Girls are going from 10 AM - 12 PM, and the Boys Varsity from 12-2 PM.
  • Girls, please meet at Lindberg at 8:15 AM to carpool.
  • Boys, please meet at Lindbergh at 10:15 AM to carpool.
All players who are attending this scrimmage need to bring the signed waiver found here. If you are under 18, your parent or guardian must sign this as well.

Both of these trips, though indoor, are weather permitting (i.e., we're not driving through a blizzard). Thanks to Hurt Alum Andrew 'RZR' Kelley for inviting us!

Again, in this flu season, sharing water is IRRESPONSIBLE. Do not share water and get your teammates sick! Bring your own bottle or use the water fountain at Williston.