Tuesday, January 05, 2010

Girl's get together!!!!!!


We are finally having a girls hangout.
It's at 12:30 at Jeanine's house on Saturday January 9th.

Jeanine's address:
3544 France Avenue South, St. Louis Park, MN 55416

-Bring board games and maybe a snack

Post on the blog if you can make it!!!!


Anonymous said...

Hey girls I am very sorry but I will not be able to make it i have a group project to work on and it is mandatory that I be there working on it! I am very sorry and would much rather be with you guys!!!!

Alex Mastbaum

Mara Saltzman said...

Mara Saltzman can come and you can count on me for some solid games and snacks!!! DO people like brie (the cheese)? I have a good recipe...

Mia said...

mia can come. could someone who lives in golden valley think they could give me a ride home?

val said...

as of now, i can come. i too have a project i may need to work on but assuming that my group members have it under control (as they now assure me they do) i'll be there.
i can possibly give rides but that depends on the condition of my car's heater becuase my parents might not want me driving it if it keeps acting up.
sorry i leave long posts!!

abby said...

i am scheduled to work from 12-4 that day but i will try to get it off if i can. do we know what time this hang out sesh is going to?

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry but I can't be there due to the fact I'm going to be in Maple Lake for choir camp. I wish I could come, but it's mandatory.

Jeanine said...

i love Brie!!!!!

Jeanine said...

You guys can stay pretty much as long as you want. I have no plans for the late afternoon. How long can you play board games? A couple of hours?

emma said...

emma can come

Anonymous said...

haley can come!!!!!!!!

Mia said...

brie is good, by the way.

Jenna said...

jenna will be there

Anonymous said...

Emily P will be there! And even if it isn't a tournament there might be some cookies!

val said...

1. emily p should definately make cookies and 2. i am very excited to try a recipe involving brie by mara and 3. i will bring catchphrase as well as an amazing game that i INSIST we play--FUNGLISH!! i am excited!!!

Haley said...

Thanks emma, for doing that dumb post pretending to be me... LAME. But i will obviously be there, Anton should come..

Erin said...

Erin will be there, loves brie AND cookies and will try to bring snacks or something.

and hates twitter. :)

Anonymous said...

Bailey would very much like to come and may be able to make it :)

Anonymous said...

sarah can come