Saturday, January 09, 2010

Wow! Great turnout for Cub!

What an awesome turnout on short notice for our Cub fundraiser. We had at least 25 baggers on hand today representing all three teams. Results: $543

Thank you to all the players and parents who squeezed this into their family calendar this weekend. (Thanks to you too, Mikey, for taking a shift.) The Cub manager was amazed that we could assemble such a good group with less than 24 hours notice. We will be on his list if another cancellation occurs.

Thanks to Judy Saltzman for lining up this gig. And hats off to Emma and Haley who worked hard Friday to organize the shifts and recruit players to fill the day.


Anonymous said...

well done Judy, Emma and Haley

Mikey K said...

did anyone beat nihal's first bagging job of the morning for $20 for a single tip?

great job to everyone for putting this together and following through; we earned some nice dough and represented our club well. i think even the mtka resident who said jokingly "i'm not donating to hopkins" gave us a buck!