Friday, March 12, 2010

SJU Indoor: Player Update

JV Players - In addition to all of the things you will normally need for a tournament (I hope you were listening to Jeanine and Erin last Sunday), there are a few additional items I would like you to bring:

1 - An extra pair of tennis shoes - we may need to warm up outside and it may be wet.
2 - Your white jersey and an extra white shirt - If you have not yet returned your white jersey, it will be collected at the tournament so we can send them back to get fixed. You will be playing in your black jersey and your spare white.

12 sharp at Lindbergh. Don't be late. Start packing your bag tonight if you need to. If you have any questions on what to bring, you can contact me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

how'd they do?