Thursday, September 23, 2010

PLEASE REVIEW - Winnipeg - Hold Back the Snow - Player Availability

The following players, have expressed interest in making the trip to Winnipeg for Hold Back the Snow. Hold Back the Snow is the weekend of 10/16. We depart Friday 10/15 at 12:30 and return early Monday morning.

If you are on this list and have NOT YET REGISTERED TO PLAY FOR THE SEASON, please do so immediately or you will not be invited to go.

Here's the list...Girls (11):
Haley Arenson
Erynn Schroeder
Alexa Schroeder
Rachel Johnson
Mia Bronstein
Maddie Hudek
Nicole Benson
Linette Maeder
Shoshana Engleson
Brie Karls

Uncertain: Bailey Taylor, Sam Gollin

Boys (33):
Jake Hoffman
Aaron Raskin
Daniel Raskin
Wyatt Mekler
Zach Mekler
Michael Liberman
Benji Mosow
Chris Lovagnini
Dylan Younger
Jason Finkelstein
Jake Beggin
Sam Bumsted
Joel Ratner
Drew Locketz
Sam Parker
Aaron Blaser
Danny Gollin
Adam Shapiro
Eli Leonard
Josh Margolis
Jacob Elias
Will Cohen
Benny Greenfield
Jordan Taylor
Braden Spencer
JJ Pira
Jeremy Steinman
Alex Lehman
Ethan Friedman
Zach Condon
Mark Barry
Jordan Barry
Max Rosen

The above list includes the responses that we have received so far. If you are on this list and should not be, please post a comment. Again, this is not the final list of who will be attending and who will not be, but just a list of who has let the club know they are available to be considered for an invite. Unfortunately we have limited space on the bus and on our two teams, so not everyone who wants to go will be able to. If you haven't already submitted your name, the deadline has passed; we will still have a waitlist after we pick teams from the names above. The only changes we are asking for are from the people already on the list. Remember, if you don't have a valid passport you cannot go to Winnipeg.



Anonymous said...

No change, Josh Margolis definitely wants to go!!!

Anonymous said...

Max Stelzner wants to go

sara said...

We won't even be taking everyone who is already listed in this post, so unfortunatly if you didn't get your name in before, it is too late to submit it now. Only post a comment if you are listed in error or your ability to travel to Winnipeg October 15-17 has changed. Remember, you need a valid passport to travel to Canada.

Anonymous said...

Max Wolk would like to be considered to go to winnepeg. thanks!

Anonymous said...


Haley said...

Brie Karls is not on the list but said she was going

Anonymous said...

Jeremy Burton would like to go to Winnipeg if a spot opens up.