Friday, March 11, 2011

Madison Mudbath 4/30-5/1

All players~we need to make a decision about whether we will be driving to Madison or taking a coach bus. The factors that will determine this are how many players are attending this tournament and how many parents are interested in attending and driving. If parents are interested in coming to Madison but like the idea of taking the bus, please post this preference as well. The cost per person will increase quite a bit if we take the bus. Last year the cost of the trip was $95.00 per person with the bus. We will be funding part of this trip, for everyone who attends, with fundraising money. The amount will be determined once we know our mode of transportation and number of players.

So basically, please post if you are planning to attend, if you have a parent or parents who are planning on coming, and if they would rather drive or take a bus.

Erin's note: bids were submitted for JV, Varsity and Girls. Due to housing specifications (teams are sleeping in Madison family basements) and bus seating, please note that posting below does not mean that you are definitely going to Madison. We may have to cap rosters if the interest is too high.


Anonymous said...

Benji Mosow will be there and parents will drive

Anonymous said...

Aaron Blaser would like to attend!

Anonymous said...

Drew Locketz would like to go

Anonymous said...

Ryan Franklin would like to go

Anonymous said...

Benny G would love to go!

Anonymous said...

Will Cohen really wants to go!! Parents cannot go and prefer a bus.

Anonymous said...

Christopher Lovagnini would like to attend and parents would like a coach bus.

Anonymous said...

Josh Margolis wants to go. Parents cannot attend.

Anonymous said...

ZMekler is attending

Anonymous said...

Dylan Younger would love to attend!

Anonymous said...

Sam Bumsted is going and my mom can drive

Anonymous said...

Wyatt Mekler can go

Anonymous said...

aaron and daniel raskin would like to go. dad can drive

Anonymous said...

Ben Pavelka would like to go and his parents do not have a preference

Haley said...

I can go. Parents cannot chaperone

Michael said...

Michael Lieberman would like to go!

Anonymous said...

Jake Hoffman is going

Anonymous said...

joel ratner would like to go and my parents prefer a bus

Mia said...

Mia Bronstein will be in attendance. Parents would prefer a bus.

Anonymous said...

Zach Shear can go and a parent can drive

Unknown said...

Max Rosen would love to attend and parents would prefer a bus.

Anonymous said...

Jason Finkelstein would love to attend.

Anonymous said...

Jacob Elias would like to go on a bus

Anonymous said...

adam shaper would like to attend. Parent's can drive.

val said...

Val's in. do we have dates for this? i'm assuming the weekend of the 23rd or the weekend of the 30th?

Haley said...

val- the weekend is 4/30-5/1

Max Sandler said...

Max sandler can go

Sam K said...

Sam Kaminsky would LOVE to go. Parents cant go, and prefer bus.

Anonymous said...

Trey and Jordan can go and parents can probably drive

Anonymous said...

steinman is going

Anonymous said...

Linette Maeder can go and my mom can maybe drive but would prefer a bus

Steve K said...

Mosey Krelitz can go, AND has room to house boys (JV) overnight at his Moms house in Madison.
Please contact Bridget Grams at 414-460-2026 for more information.

sara said...

please don't contact Bridget directly; the team makes all of the housing arrangements for the kids. We will be talking to Bridget to determine how many boys she can accomadate.

Anonymous said...

Maddie can go

Anonymous said...

Braden Spencer wants to go!