Monday, October 17, 2011

HBTS winners!

Hopkins Black Captains Mekler, Bumsted and Bronstein with the coveted HBTS plaque, which will once again list Hopkins Ultimate as winner of their tournament!

All the Hurtums from Black and Silver

The Black team celebrating their win!!

Congratulations to both teams who played so well in wind that, at times, was taking discs to fields far, far away from the ones we were playing on, and in biting cold that could defeat teams on it's own, who don't have the spirit and passion for play of Hopkins Ultimate!

All of us who were there to watch you were cold, but proud of you!!

Thank you to Steve Bumsted, Cory Goddard, Mark Mekler and Ken Raskin for traveling with us, and helping me keep everything running fairly well all weekend. And most of all a HUGE thanks to the two coaches, who went to Winnipeg with us this year, Erin Mirocha and Mike Born. Without your infinite wisdom, patience and sense of humor among other things, our players would never get to have these great experiences!

To those of you looking for pictures; the shutterfly site had some technical difficulties, so I'm having trouble getting them up, but I'll post on the blog once they're available


Anonymous said...

When will the rest of the pictures be up on shutterfly?

sara said...

I'll try and get them up in the next day or 2!

Anonymous said...

Sarah, A HUGE thanks to you for all the ways you make an international trip like this come together!