Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Last week at Cub for the season!

We're almost done with Cub; one day left! I could really use some help for the first shift if anyone has a little time they can spare. 11-1:30 is the most important time to have coverage, so even if you're only available for part of the shift please consider joining me so we can finish off the season strong! The link to the calendar is on the right, under this week's schedule. Thank you to all the people who've gone over and above, working multiple shifts this year; we couldn't do this without you!!!

This money is already helping every member of the team by keeping our fees lower than they were 2 years ago. We were able to subsidize part of the Winnipeg trip, and will continue to do that for ALL teams throughout the year as they participate in a variety of tournaments next spring.

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