Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Hopkins Varsity 2011/2012

The time has finally come boys, this process is never easy and we appreciate every one who came out and gave it all to try out for this team. We want to make sure that it is very clear these rosters are fluid. If you are on this roster continue to work just as hard and get ready to get better. If you do not see your name below, please understand it is always hard to make these cuts, we are a very senior laden team and with very few open spots. None the less if you continue to work hard at practices and come to work outs you are only helping your self.

Hurt Varsity Roster 2011/12

- Captain Sam B Ümenstadt
- Captain Zach "thing what" Mekler
- Benny "Percy "diaper" Harvin" Greenfield
- Aaron "Buzzzzzz Bullet" Blaser
- Jo-el "12 packs" Ratner
- Jordan Taylor
- The ultimate player formerly known as Jason Finkelstein
- Y-att "Packers Suck" mekler
- Ryan "Hard in the paint" Franklin
- Michael "19" Seffren
- Adam "Penguin" Shapiro
- Dylan "tree beard" Younger
- Jacob "Dont get hurt" Brandys
- Braden "Black Eye" Spencer
- Danny "Fabio" Gollin
- Aaron "Big Flick" Raskin
- Jonathon Jules Pira
- Benji "Mullet" Mosow
- Jeff " Mouth Guard" Liffson
- Zac "quit baseball" Merie
- Jeremy "Fight Club" Frisco (Pending Registration)

Congratulations to you all, it is well deserved. Once again though, this roster is VERY FLUID and you are all now expected to be at all work outs and practices. Lets get to work boys it all starts here


Adam Shapiro said...

i don't run like a penguin

Kitty said...

only helping yourselves*
and P.s. your nicknames will never be like mine, Z-mek.

Now actually, cherish this moment and the next year boys. Treat every possession like its your last and put in the work to be the best team you can be. Don't forget what it means to be a noble warrior and always be reliable for your brothers. Learn a lot and love a lot. Now go win a gold boys