Wednesday, November 09, 2011

What now?

There have been some questions about our schedule, for the remainder of the year, so I will explain once again in case you weren't at the fall meeting. We are now done with practice until January, when all teams will begin indoor practices. I know the coaches have encouraged everyone to continue throwing as often as possible, so try and take advantage of everyday we get without snow, and throw a disc with a friend for a while after school.

As we get closer to January, information regarding days and times for practices will be posted on the blog, so check back at that point. School doesn't resume after winter break until January 9th, so practices won't start before that week.

Also, I'd like to remind parents about the new "Parents Google Group" which you can sign up for on the right side of the blog page, under the calendar. This is a way for parents to communicate with each other and receive information from the Coaches and the Board.


Anonymous said...

When are the Hold back the snow pictures going to be on shutterfly?

Anonymous said...


sara said...

sorry about that...thanks for reminding me. when the site malfunctioned, I ran out of time to redo it, but will try to reload everything and post this week!

Anonymous said...
