Tuesday, March 13, 2012


Varsity and girls team members who are playing in the Chicago Invite, please let us know in the comments section of this post. We will be leaving right after school on March 23rd, from the Lindbergh Center parking lot. We're traveling with parent drivers, and need an exact number of players in order to ensure that we have enough seats for everyone. We may rent a 12-15 passenger van if we know we'll need the extra space. PARENTS, PLEASE LET US KNOW AS WELL IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO JOIN US, IF THERE IS A PARENT I HAVEN'T HEARD FROM WHO'S PLANNING ON GOING, WE NEED TO KNOW ASAP.

The team will be subsidizing part of the trip for everyone with our fundraising money, so the cost to each player will be $50.00. Please send your check to me this week or bring it to Zach at practice on Sunday. You must have it in before we leave on the 23rd.

We'll be staying at a La Quinta not far from the fields in Naperville. They serve breakfast in the morning, and dinner will be provided at the field on Saturday. We'll have field snacks, and lunch on Saturday, although you should also bring your own snacks that are specific to your tastes, as well as a reusable water bottle. You will need money for dinner on both Friday and Sunday nights, which will be at some sort of fast food along the way.

If you have any questions, you can email me at semekler@gmail.com
Mail your check, made out to Hopkins Ultimate, to;
Sara Mekler
12410 Huntingdon Lane
Mtka, MN 55305


Mia said...

Mia Bronstein is going!

Anonymous said...

Benji Mosow is going

Z-Mek said...

Z mek is going

Aaron Blaser said...

Blaser is going

Andrea Shapiro said...

Adam and Lilly Shapiro are going

Maddie said...

Maddie Hudek is going

Anonymous said...

Ryan Franklin is going

Michael Seffren said...

Michael Seffren is going

Brandys said...

Brandys is going

aaron raskin said...

Raskin is going

Y said...

Y is going

danny said...

Gollin is going

Joel Ratner said...

Joel Ratner is going

jsteinman said...

both steinmans are going

Anonymous said...


Sonya said...

Sonya Rosen is going

noaparker said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mia said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
noaparker said...

noa parker is going

Unknown said...

shoshana is going

lea brand said...

Winnie brand is going

Adam Caskey said...

Caskey's going,but if my teams make it in state then I can only come Sunday

Erin said...

Sam Tankenoff is going!

JJ said...

jj Pira and Zac Merie are going

Braden Spencer said...

Braden Spencer is going