Wednesday, April 25, 2012

USA Ultimate waivers

All players who registered before the first of the year were sent an email from Anna Schott, at USA Ultimate, regarding the 2012 waiver update. In past years we've had a special team waiver form that covered our fall thru spring seasons, but this year we used the standard form. You don't have to pay anything; your dues are paid thru 2012,  just follow the instructions in the email to update your information. Most of the JV and girls players who have received this email have not yet updated. Please do this right away. If you have any questions, there is a link to an email address for help at the bottom of the email, or let me or a coach know and we can help you.

Update from Coach Mike:  For JV players, the Granite City Classic is requiring fully cleared rosters this year and those rosters are due ASAP.  Please take time on Thursday to make sure your USAU online account is established and your waivers are cleared.


Unknown said...

I have not received the email and we registered in the Fall. Please send email to
Cindy, Mom of JV player Margolis

Anonymous said...

need Ferns access number

christopher lovagnini said...

I have not received an e-mail for Jonathan. Could you re-send one to us?
- Thanks, Arden Lovagnini

maynard said...

i didnt get an email, could you resend one? -collin

Erin said...

If you have not received an email address, that's probably an indication that the email address that USAU has on file bounced or has an issue.

Please email and CC

In this email, please specify that you are having login issue to sign a waiver and that you're affiliated with Hopkins Ultimate. Please also include the players first and last name, the USAU id number if you know it (if you don't, we have it and will reply to that email with it) and the email address that you'd like the account to be associated with in the future.

Erin said...

Also - Johnny Lovagnini has a current waiver on file with USAU, so no action needs to be taken Arden!

Marschinke said...

If you registered after the 1st of the year are the waivers current?

Erin said...

If you registered after the 1st of the year, you are okay. Marschinke, I double checked and you are all set.

Marschinke said...

If I signed up after the 1st of the year am I ok?

Erin said...

Marschinke, you're fine (which I told you on May 1st)

Josh Margolis said...

Josh Margolis has gotten his waivers cleared.