Friday, October 05, 2012

HBTS rosters

Hurtems & Hertets,

Next week we'll be having some practice times for only HBTS players.  Please check the blog and make it a priority to attend these if you're coming with us to Canada.  You must turn in your permission materials and have a passport ASAP.

HUrt Black

Ryan Franklin
Riley Kendall
Michael Lieberman
Drew Locketz
Wyatt Mekler*
Benji Mosow
Sam Parker
Liam Perkins
Aaron Raskin
Adam Shapiro
Braden Spencer
Max Wolk

Mickela Heilicher
Hattie Holm
Noa Parker*
Lisa Persson
Becca Steinman*
Sophie Stillman

HUrt Silver

Jordan Barry
Liam Bronstein
Will Cohen
Jacob Elias
Ethan Freidman
Sam Kaminsky*
Oliver Lee
Josh Margolis
Louis McGraw
Jackson Melin
Ben Pavelka
Trey Taylor*

Maddie Ansel
Alyssa Resnick
Lilly Shapiro*
Shortie Sheran
Claire Smart
Samantha Tankenoff

*indicates Captain

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