Monday, October 01, 2012


Upperclassmen may sign up for this coming weekend's tournament with the link below. Please look at the sign up carefully as you must sign up on each day if you're planning on being there for the whole tournament.  The players plan their own carpools, but if parents are planning on attending and driving, you may post the number of players you can accomadate if you are interested in offering a ride to anyone else.

Per our team policy, players are allowed to drive themselves to this tournament because it is just under the 50 mile limit we have set as a boundary. As always, it's then up to parents to decide if they want their player to drive/ride with players, or if they prefer to drive. We always ask that only our oldest players drive when possible, and obviously, they may only transport as many players as they have seatbelts for. The kids usually will all contribute a few dollars to the driver for gas, or buy them lunch...whatever they want to work out :-)

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