Tuesday, March 05, 2013

Varsity Paideia Cup tournament

The varsity team will be traveling to Atlanta from April 12-14 to participate in the Paideia Cup with other elite teams from across the country. This is their only opportunity every year to compete against many of these teams. We're still finalizing travel details, but expect that we'll be leaving in the afternoon on Friday and returning late in the evening on Sunday. We are lucky to have a wonderful family who hosts the players and coaches, so we don't have the expense of a hotel, but airfare, rental vans, tournament fees, and coaches travel expenses and per diem still all have to be factored in to the final cost. I will have a final total price by Friday, but am expecting that number to be around $500.00. There is some fundraising money to be allocated for this trip and the boys are going to talk about doing a varsity specific fundraiser, which could have a huge impact on the final cost. The other thing that can save everyone some money is if anyone has extra frequent flier miles they would like to donate for a coaches ticket...we've had that offer before, and will never turn it down!

PLEASE DO NOT SIGN UP FOR THIS TRIP UNTIL YOU ARE CERTAIN THAT YOU WILL BE ABLE TO ATTEND, AS WE ARE COMMITING TO AIRFARE AND RENTAL VEHICLES. THERE WILL BE A $100.00 DEPOSIT DUE AFTER YOU SIGN UP, TO HOLD YOUR SPACE. YOU MAY MAIL A CHECK TO SARA, BRING ONE TO WYATT AT PRACTICE, OR YOU CAN NOW CALL SARA WITH A CC #! We just got the square hooked up to the team bank account, so we're able to take credit cards. There is a fee of $3.00 for transactions of $100.00 or less, $5.00 up to $200.00.
Checks as always, should be made out to Hopkins Ultimate. Mail to-
Sara Mekler
12410 Huntingdon Lane
Mtka, Mn 55305

Parents, this is a fabulous tournament, probably the most likely to have good weather, and the level of play is unmatched...I can guarantee if you go, there will be moments when you shake your head in amazement and ask someone next to you "did that just happen?" I know I've been accused of being an Ultimate addict, but there is something incredible about watching these boys play against high level competitors, and being witness to what they really are capable of. 
Parents will be staying in a hotel, yet to be determined, close to the host family and the field.

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