Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Details you want to know ( read the whole post!)

1).  BLITZ CARDS:  if you earned extra blitz cards to sell ( and keep the $$ for yourself ) you should contact Stephen Elias. If you have cards you've sold and money to turn in here is your last opportunity. Stephen will be at Starbucks on hwy 55/ winnetka tonight from 7-8 PM. 51 kids have cards to collect !! (763) 439-5000

2). You recently received an email re: rostering

Returning players should have received an email from hgfern@aol.com. Subject: New Player Confirmation Request.
Please read and follow the instructions to confirm you are playing with HURT.
New players - you (or your parent) will receive an email in the coming weeks - probably from USAU.  Same deal - read and follow instructions.

The term "practice roster" is the place in the USAU system that all HURT players are listed.  Event and tournament rosters are pulled from the practice roster.

Please follow the instructions and confirm ASAP  
Thank you!
(If you've forgotten your password go through the reset your password prompts :-)

3).  Tzedakah Bowl @ the metrodome:
We are not sending a team as a club. But if you're interested in playing I believe there is still the opportunity to register. I have heard that many kids who are free that day have registered and are excited to play. Follow the instructions from the blog post about this event.

4).  Varsity players: We have been invited to play in the MLK day tourney in Duluth.   January 19-20!
More info to come.

5).  Indoor winter practice will begin ( for ALL teams)  Sunday evening January 5th.  Check the blog during winter break for time/ location.

Your email:

Need to talk to Coach Erin?

Need to talk to Coach Finn?

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