Friday, December 27, 2013

MLK Indoor - Varsity Tournament - 1/19, 1/20

Here is the signup genius for the MLK Indoor:

Please note that this is a Sunday/Monday tournament, driving to Duluth, staying overnight etc.
If we don't get enough parent drivers/chaperones, we won't go.

This tournament is on a sport court, indoor track facility.  Tennis shoes, not cleats.

Start times on Sunday depend on which Pool we're in.  More details to come.

All Hurtems:
Please start watching the blog regularly.  Practice starts 1/5, in the mean time, a few reminders:
- Workouts are open to all HUrtems/HERtettes, and are highly recommended for players who are hoping to work their way onto the Varsity roster in the next few months.
- There are more fundraisers coming, dates should be available by the Spring registration meeting.

Coming soon:
U of M indoor (V)
SJU signup (V, JV)
Chicago Invite signup (V, G)
Spring Registration

At Home Winter Workout ideas:
Grip Strength
1) You can do this one while doing other activities: tv, reading, study hall.
2) For this one you need a stick, string, and something heavy(ish).

Grip is a crucial part of being able to throw smooth throws with control and distance (very helpful in wind).  It's also necessary for catching one handed.  If you do these exercises, aim for every other day.  These muscles tire easily and need longer to recuperate.  Have fun!

Alternatively, you could put on your snow pants and throw out there in the snow.  It's a pretty good time to practice bidding, especially if the snow is deep.  You'll also have to work harder to pivot and step out.  As always, do all things with purpose or it doesn't count.

Hope everyone had great holidays.  We'll see you soon.

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