Saturday, October 04, 2014


Hello everyone!

Our 2nd and last discount card BLITZ is tomorrow October 5th.  Everyone meets at the Golden Valley Library (off Winnetka by Mcdonalds North of Hwy 55)
at 12:00 noon!  We have over 40 players signed up (way to go) and 15 parents (yeah!). signed up to drive.  However, we NEED 3+ additional parents to drive kids tomorrow! The success of this fundraiser is a numbers game.  The goal is to have 2-3 kids per car.  The more cars out there, the more neighborhoods covered!  When there are 3-5 kids in a car we lose ground we can canvass.  Of the 15 drivers only 11 are available all day.  Any amount of driving is requested. 
PLEASE sign up if you can help drive tomorrow.
 You'll notice I've outlined potential  tournaments for all teams on the sidebar.  These tournaments, our practice fields, indoor practice space, scholarships, final banquet activities and more are 100% dependent on fundraising dollars brought in.  
* WEAR HOPKINS ULTIMATE jerseys, sweatshirts or pinnies. 
*Bring your own phone charger and pen please.
* Dress Toasty Warm and in layers.  Check the forecast in the morning. The weather will be similar to today.  Hats, gloves, sweatshirts, jackets.....

Pizza and awards party starts at 6:10 at HHS cafeteria.  All participants get 'cash bag grabs' including parents!  

Wendy Shear will be in charge (also driving!) along with Stephen Elias and Jon Frank. I'm out of commission for a couple of days :-(. 

Good luck!  Have fun!  And remember.... We accept donations big and small!

Your email:

Need to talk to Coach Erin?

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