Wednesday, October 01, 2014

This week in the World of HUrt

Hi all,

For those of you who signed up for Canada, please make practice this week a priority.  I will be talking about the teams, how to pack, and taking team photos for both a Black and Silver.

Varsity Tryouts are in full swing.  There were several players unable to attend Exit 69, so tonight (Wednesday) will be a normal tryout.  Thursday we will also have a tryout, but I will be making the first round of cuts throughout the practice.  If you have questions, please come talk to me in person - because your ultimate career is your responsibility.

Practice is still on for all other boys and the ladies (obviously).

As we get into true fall weather, please remember to dress toasty warm.  Bring layers, rain gear, bug spray, and anything else you might need to stay warm, dry, and sane.

Another Blitz is on for this coming weekend.  If you have not yet signed up, please make sure you have a reason (not an excuse) and have communicated that to Debbi or Wendy.  These fundraisers can make or break our season, and participation is mandatory for all players.


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