Friday, November 10, 2006

Fundraising time!!

Ron Curme and the Executive Committee are working hard to get us some winter practice space - thank you all for your patience!! We will let you know the finalized schedule as soon as we can.

As we are looking to get a lot of full field indoor space this year, we need to get started on some serious fundraising. I know that some of you have some great ideas for making money, so let's get started!! Feel free to set up an event - then we can post it on the blog to notify everyone and have a good turnout.

If you have any questions regarding fundraising, Ron Curme is your go-to guy!

Thank you,
Your friendly neighborhood coach Kelley

PS - Please don't forget to thank and give a big hug to Ron and the rest of the Exec Committee's hard work and dedication!!

1 comment:

Jake said...

i think it'd be cool (and really profitable) to sell fruit baskets.

anyone know of a group that does that? probably a band or something, but i think it'd be awesome to find an organic fruit company and get some great oranges, apples, pears... yum, yum.


ps. what about a concert? - we had fun last year...