Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Hopkins Hurt Varsity Boys

The Coaches have decided and the team has been posted in the comments section.

There will be a mandatory Varsity team potluck dinner meeting at Capt. Carl Peaslee's house Tuesday December 5 at 6 PM.

Sophomores will bring Entrees for all to share.
Juniors will bring salads or drinks (rookies = salads, veterans = drinks)
Seniors will bring Desserts.

Any questions, or concerns, please email Coach Jake at


Jake said...

Each and every one of you are lucky to be on this team. You should start playing, practicing, eating, sleeping, thinking, acting, talking, and conditioning like a team
vying for a National title. The Hopkins Varsity players are also warned that you
can be bumped down to JV at any time. Those who didn't make the team are still able to move up at any time. No player should feel stuck in their position - that would just impede development, and development of players who play with a Team-First attitude is one of the main goals of this program.

Here it is:
*(r) denotes Rookie
*XX denotes registration issues need to be resolved

Brian "Deuce" Wilson
Capt. Carl "Crazy Hot" Peaslee
XX Andrew "RZR" Kelley
Jovan "Tauntaun" Thompson (r)
XX David "Can-Swillas" Canillas (r)
Zach "Talter" Alter
Stephen "Rubeans" Rubinyi

Capt. Greg "Garenson" Arenson
Sam "Brick" Brickwedde
Gregg Milbrath (r)
Billy Sobelman (r)
Danny "The" Barberio
Matty Freeman
Steven "Farnigan" Finn (r)

Robbie "Shaps" Shapiro
Evan "Tha Shish" Tarshish (r)
Matty Chodosh
Simon "Scar" Gottlieb (r)
Asa Gottlieb (r)
Matt "Money" Grewe
Colin "Tater" Camp (r)
John "Smalter" Alter (r)

dannyLITIN said...
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dannyLITIN said...


Carl Peaslee said...

Yo, Congrats to all you who made it. For those of you who didn't don't sweat it, it'll come.

And also, it is less a meeting and more a toga party. DONT FORGET YOUR FOOD! YOU WILL BE CUT FROM THE ENTIRE PROGRAM IF YOU DON'T BRING FOOD!

Carl Peaslee said...

Also, juniors think out side the box when it comes to salads... ie. Fruit Salads, Noodle Salads, Chicken Salads, there is more than just "out of the bag" caesar salads.

Anonymous said...


Peas can will grill cause i'll bring burgers and hot dogs

Carl Peaslee said...

no, please, all entree precooked, or microwave ready, or quick oven heat-up ready

Robbie Shapiro said...

sophmores talk to me adn we will coordinate so everything tastes martha stewart delicious. and

spank train and cut for those who dont bring?

Anonymous said...

am i being punked or are u guys just saving the little energy i have fo nationals, hahaha just kidding
when did we start calling evan the shish, that is my new fantasy name now

p.s. how did greg arenson make black team

Carl Peaslee said...

Haha, I was wondering the same thing Captain. Keep resting up we need you for nationals.

Anonymous said...

spirit captain represent

Carl Peaslee said...

It is going to be less of a spank train and more of a savage caning

Anonymous said...


Carl Peaslee said...


Anonymous said...

yeah thats like the first michael post i've seen and shaps is right the food needs to be martha stewart quality.........TOGA PARTY!!!!!!

Robbie Shapiro said...

IMPORTANT-----Are there any alergies that we really need to worry about

Anonymous said...
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