Thursday, January 25, 2007

JV Meeting

Just to give this issue it's own post to make sure nobody misses it, we are having an all-JV meeting on Thurdsday, Febuary the 1st at Eli Leonard's house at 7 pm. Be there or be in deep disaproval with me and the rest of your teammates. We won't be serving dinner, just snacks, so eat beforehand. It probably won't take too long (about 2 hours max), but we will discuss the HUrt organization and all our expectations for the team and each other. Come with some questions and give some thought about what you want to give and take away from your experience with this team.


Russell said...

Eli Leonard's house is at 11650 Timberline Rd, Minnetonka.

Anonymous said...

Russ, I'm not going to be able to make the meeting. I have basketball.

The VP said...

I think I'll be there.. finally.