Monday, January 08, 2007

Notes on MLK Tournament

We have hotel reservations at: Comfort Suites, Duluth. the phone number there is 218.727.1378. The address is 408 Canal Park Drive. This hotel is near Grandma's restaurant and many other fine eateries. So, players tell your parents where you will be Sunday night January 14th.


Anonymous said...

which parents are driving

Michael Schock said...

The drivers to Duluth are:
Mr. Wilson
Mr. Canillas
Mrs Levin
Mrs Grewe

Jake said...

The schedule can be found here:

this is for the college tourney, and the quick answers are:

1. our first game is at 1:30 on Sunday vs. UMD

2. the other teams in our pool are EauClaire & UM Bemidji

4. Last game on monday (finals if we make it) is at 4, done at 5:30, so worst comes to worst (or best, as the case may be) we'd be home monday at 8-8:30 after dinner.

thanks to the parents for helping us get up there and chaperoning!

Coach Jake

Jake said...

hmm... the link didn't pass through the comments like i'd hoped it would.

try this. it may or may not work, j.

Robbie Shapiro said...

are we going to be assigned cars

Anonymous said...

if we are A3, then dont we play eau claire first, then UMD, then bemidji

Jake said...

uh... yeah. my bad.

so.. first game vs. eau claire!

i think this was the pink team we played at exit 69. and isn't deuce's brother on this team?


apologies. j.

RZR said...

hey my dad said that he had volunteered to drive, he talked to diane last week sometime...
jake- deuce's bro is on stout, unfortunetally.

Jake said...

0 fer 2. tough crowd, this team...

see you guys up there! i think most cars will leave around 9ish, but mama brick has the call on that. keep your eyes peeled for an announcement. j.

Robbie Shapiro said...

are we gonig to be assigned cars or are we calling the people and seeing if we can get a ride