Monday, March 19, 2007

Saturday Self Scrimmage

Please email comment as to what Varsity players can come to this:

What: A one hour practice, then 20 minute indoor exhibition game on turf.

Where: Minneapolis Parks and Rec Indoor Soccer facility adjacent to the
Walker Sculpture Gardens (westside)

When: 10:30 AM, Saturday, March 24

Who: Varsity Players

Basically, we get some free practice time then we get to play an exhibition game in front of 300+ people with live music playing. Not to mention, we get to throw discs into the audience.

this looks really great and is some great publicity. Please comment this post ASAP as to whether or not you can go.


Zach said...

count me in for this!!! It sounds real tight if you ask me

Gregory said...

sounds good... VeRY NIICE

Anonymous said...

im down

RZR said...

Yo sounds most excellent... I'll see what Ive got and may play some points!

Robbie Shapiro said...

i am there