Friday, April 06, 2007

Penultimate posting for Paideia

Dear Players,
We are a few days away from take off to Atlanta and the Paideia tournament. Our plane leaves from the Humphrey Terminal at 4:50. Please meet in the passenger ticketing area by 3:30 pm. We have all the tickets and will need to be certain we have all players, money and forms before we can leave for Atlanta.
AirTran flight #852 leaving for Atlanta at 4:50 arriving at 8:15 pm. The return flight will be AirTran flight #858 arriving at Humphrey Terminal at 12:38 AM. (That is after midnight on Sunday).
Please look here for more details re: where the homes will be and what we need to bring for the sleeping accommodations.
Boys will be at the O'Neal's home, same family different location. We will know more about the girls home tomorrow. Host parents are asking that all players bring bedding (eg. sleeping bag and pillow), towel, and wash cloths. The forcast is for rain on Saturday and sun on Sunday. Bring sunscreen and a rain suit and extra shirts and shorts. Bring cash for lunches on saturday and sunday. evening meal will be a freebee. Tell your parents that there will be medical supervision on the field (EMT), tents for the rain.


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