Friday, August 03, 2007

Captain's Practices

Captain's practices are taking place the third and fourth week of August.

Tuesday 14th
Thursday 16th
Tuesday 21st
Thursday 23rd

All practices are from 4-6 at Lindbergh

Any questions should be left here or directed towards a captain

Spread the word to all hurtems and start recruiting please!!!

I love all of you.

Love, Brick


Jake said...


i'm so excited to see all you guys and gals come fall.

we're getting our field spaces ready as we speak and will let you know when practices are going to be.

plan ahead. the all team, parent, and coach meeting to sign up for Hopkins Ultimate will be Sunday September 16. Put it on your calendars!

see you all soon! enjoy the rest of the summer while you have it.

Coach Jake

Anonymous said...

lamesauce! I have work pretty much all those days. gahhh!

Are we planning on doing tues/thurs practices? that way I can request those days off forever...

Anonymous said...

hey guys,

hope everyones summer went well.

I am starting to get ready for the season and start working out doing some sprints and lifting at throwing. linderg seems like it would usually be the place because they have all the equipment. but who knows sometimes.

as for times, i dont really know that either. but if you call me the night before we can figure it out.

hope to see everyone soon

love shaps